Triple Heater: the foundation sequence for your Do-In

Video 1 of the Do-In Series: back-up material

The Triple Heater meridian is the focus of the 1st video of the series. You can find the video on my Instagram page (posting Tuesday April 14 @ 11 am):


This basic, quick Do-In is designed to open up the breathing and stimulate the skin – all over the body – with special focus on the Triple Heater channel (the actual meridian line) as it flows through the body. You can see this pathway, mapped out in pink, on the diagram.

This sequence will provide the foundation for a more complex morning routing that you can build up, piece by piece, over the next few weeks.
Alternatively, depending on your inclination and time available, you could simply stick with this easy, quick Triple Heater Do-In.


The skin is the principal organ of the Triple Heater meridian.

This is the single most important meridian for our immune system – the skin connection is fairly obvious in this respect. However, this meridian is also responsible for maintenance of appropriate body heat (as distinct from chills &/or fevers). SKIN IN THE GAME: the Triple Heater will provide more information about this. You will also find some tips on easy ways to help tone your skin.


The relationship between the Triple Heater and our immune system is fleshed out further in IMMUNITY BUILDING: the Quick Links Post. This post looks at the immune supporting role of breathing, eating/digesting and (very importantly) eliminating effectively. These are the three main functions of the three heaters: upper, middle and lower respectively. It is also a hub from which you can jump to any number of useful older postings that can help you build immunity.

NEXT STEPS: Developing your Do-In

Video 2 of this series will add a Lung and Large Intestine meridian layer to the whole-of-body sequence that you now have. These two meridians – largely responsible for breathing and eliminating – are important allies of the Triple Heater in all its functions. If you would like a head start on this material, have a look at this post:


I look forward to your feedback on this first video and to seeing you all there for installment #2 on Instagram on Saturday April 18 at 11am. [H4]


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