Spring ENERGY, the energy of the Wood Element, is indiscriminately and irrepressibly expansive.

Your SPRING “Quick Links” post

Time for a new VISION.
Welcome to this updated Spring Resources post designed to help you with your Green Recovery from our deep dark Covid-19 Winter.

Enjoy this beautiful green springtime to the maximum by taking advantage of opportunities to take charge of your well-being: dig deep, breathe big, twist, stretch and look around with your imagination as well as your eyes.

There is simply no stopping the Spring-time!

The Wood Element of Spring is indiscriminately and irrepressibly expansive – seeking air, light and new space to inhabit.

This expansion is powered by clear vision (Liver) and achieved by means of a purposeful plan (Gall Bladder). Spring is the optimal time of year to let the wind blow away the old clutter and make space for new ideas.

It is the time to get outside and enjoy the beautiful volatility of Spring in full tilt – be inspired by the exciting new beginnings that are inevitably taking place.

Expand your vision for who, where and what you would like to be.
Then make a plan for how to get there.

My website is at your disposal

My website is your resource and it’s growing all the time. You will find posts on food, exercise, useful acupressure points, indulgent body treats, the 5 seasons of the oriental medicine calendar (and more). You can browse and explore as you will.

Alternatively, try these Quick Links designed to put you in touch with the right stuff for where you are at right now – SPRING!

Breathe into the Green Season: Vision & Purpose to Expand your World


Seasonal MAKKO-HO and other Exercise



  • Discover your Liver 3 Point. Easy to find and easy to access, it is known as “The Energy Shifter” and is one of the most powerful acu-points in the meridian system.
  • Show some love to your Yin meridians – Liver included – via the easily accessible Triple Yin Point

Come in for a SPRING SHIATSU and get some individually targeted suggestions for YOUR Spring program
(along with all that amazing R & R of course).

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