What is Zen Shiatsu - more than a massage

Zen Shiatsu is hands-on touch therapy that provides TANGIBLE PHYSICAL RELIEF from tension, fatigue, pain and stiffness – localized &/or general. This, in turn, improves circulation while strengthening the musculo-skeletal system, the nervous system and organ function.

Zen Shiatsu is energy based body work that balances the entire system facilitating healing, well-being and connection on all levels: physical, emotional, mental & spiritual.

As a PREVENTATIVE therapy, Zen Shiatsu builds immunity and resilience.
It may also be used in response to a range of SPECIFIC ISSUES, chronic &/or acute, including:

  • Joint & soft tissue problems
  • Headaches, nervous tension & sciatica
  • Digestive & respiratory problems
  • Menstrual & menopausal difficulties
  • Insomnia, fatigue & other sleep related issues
  • Stress & anxiety related conditions

Zen Shiatsu is regulated by the SHIATSU THERAPY ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA (STAA), the peak body for Shiatsu in Australia. STAA Professional Accreditation requires a specialized Diploma: 2 years of study and practical training in addition to a minimum 200 hours of supervised clinical practice. In addition, professional Shiatsu Therapists must do a minimum 20 hrs/yr of approved Professional Development.

Shiatsu is classified as THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE and recognized by the Australian Government as a HEALTH SERVICE [as for Remedial Massage].

Zen Shiatsu is a deeply relaxing and powerful blend of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with the historical healing techniques of Japan. As a touch therapy, it stimulates the release of “feel good”, relaxing hormones – but this is just the beginning. In addition, the delivery technique (see below) is actively soothing, calming and releasing making Zen Shiatsu a great pleasure to receive.

Beyond this, ZEN SHIATSU SPECIFICALLY TRIGGERS THE SHIFT into the Parasympathetic mode of the Autonomic Nervous System (PNS). This REST/DIGEST/HEAL zone is ideal for recharging and balancing your entire system – physical and energetic.

In this way, Shiatsu turbo charges the relaxation factor.

As a modality within the TCM spectrum, Zen Shiatsu proposes that energy (qi, chi or KI) flows through the body and its greater energy sphere in channels known as meridians. This energy functions / vibrates on a series of different levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
It follows, that balance, ease and harmony of this energetic flow relaxes the body, settles the emotions and calms the mind – encouraging and supporting our system in self-healing.

Over time this builds our fundamental sense of well-being along with our ability to respond better to stress.

Each Zen Shiatsu treatment is guided by a client specific diagnosis of the state of the various energy meridians and their interrelationships. The practitioner interprets and addresses whatever “issues” the client is presenting with in the context of this diagnosis. Attention is then given to the whole length of the target meridians – including all their acu-points – and the whole person.
In this respect, Zen Shiatsu is distinctly different from traditional acupressure & acupuncture with their individual point focus.

The therapist WORKS DIRECTLY ON THE RECEIVER’S ENERGETIC BODY, identifying and stimulating reactive points to harmonize the flow of KI and facilitate holistic systemic change. By balancing the energy pattern on the various levels they address client issues. At the same time, the energetic and nervous systems are rested and “re-set” to maximise well-being.

The Zen Shiatsu relaxation factor is maximized when the receiver shifts into Parasympathetic mode delivering a major recharge to our basic capacity to BE and to DO. This deep healing relaxation also impacts very positively on the Enteric Nervous System (ENS) in our gut and on the vagus nerve.

The ENS, also referred to as our SECOND BRAIN, is as complex and neuron-laden as our central nervous system brain. Beyond managing the activity in our gut, it is thought to play a key role in determining both our mental and emotional states along with their possible interactions.

The VAGUS NERVE is a long cranial nerve that connects our two brains – linking up the cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems along the way. It is also the main nerve of our parasympathetic nervous system. Furthermore, dysfunction in this brain-gut axis is linked to a range of conditions including obesity, epilepsy, depression and autism.

The health and vitality of both the ENS and the vagus nerve is clearly paramount to our overall well-being and has far reaching implications for the connections between our physical, emotional and intellectual aspects – our capacity to FEEL, THINK and CONNECT.


The therapist uses relaxed body weight, gravity and rhythm – as opposed to strength – to deliver pressure along the meridians. This (primarily) hand pressure may be firm but is always gentle. Actions may include holding, stretching, rotating, connecting &/or releasing and the tempo varies from seemingly still to very dynamic.

This near constant, friction-less contact promotes the production of positive relaxation hormones: dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin. Furthermore, Shiatsu prioritizes quality of contact over strength. In this way, Shiatsu delivers a vastly different experience to that of western massage styles which tend to rely on (1) muscular engagement on the part of the practitioner to drive the contact and (2) direct manipulation of soft tissue with rubbing, kneading, rolling and tapping techniques.

There is a strong emphasis on connecting directly with the receiver’s KI via a stable, “mother” hand and a moving “working” hand. This constant two-handed technique delivers real-time awareness of energy shifts. As a result, the treatment may be developed and adapted in response to what is actually happening for the client.

Zen Shiatsu is a singularly NON-INVASIVE, NON-AGGRESSIVE modality with no documented negative side effects. Because it is traditionally performed on a futon mat on the floor the receiver feels very stable and supported. In addition, the receiver remains clothed / robed, no oils are used and there is minimal skin-to-skin contact.

Discover for yourself the soothing satisfaction of touch along with profound energy balancing & connection – through all levels … PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL – as you relax through a clinically therapeutic musculoskeletal treatment.


CLASSIC TREATMENTS are thorough, therapeutic and a pleasure to receive because they are HOLISTIC AND CLIENT SPECIFIC. Individual diagnosis determines YOUR treatment addressing YOUR issues and delivered within the context of balancing YOUR complete system and treating YOUR entire body.

Includes both verbal and written FOLLOW-UP.

Private clients can also enjoy the CONCENTRATED ZEN BLISS of shorter Targeted treatments focused on a specific body zone or a particular issue. The target may be identified by you, the receiver. Alternatively, you might want to experience the seasonal optimization of:

  1. The SPINAL+ FULL BACK , or

IN THE CORPORATE CONTEXT the receiver may be seated on a massage chair.
Zen Shiatsu is delivered as short, localized treatments with strategic support work at further points on the energy channels in question. These treatments are designed to target common ailments that niggle at the office worker while also addressing issues of fatigue and stress.
Because the meridians run through the whole body, with multiple zones of reflection and correspondence, relief is brought to problem areas while the entire system is renewed.